Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can not believe that another year has gone by. It seems like only yesturday that it was 1997 and now we are in 2007.

Well, I have finally gotten one. Lets see I have wanted an ipod for awhile now. Well, today was the day. I know it is only a 2 GB and that you can not watch video on it. But I like it just the same. I am hoping that this will help me to be motivated and go to the gym that is very nice out here in Anthem.

My New Years resolution is to get health. I want to beable to look and feel health. Ans if on the way to that I lose the weight then great.

I have heard that I can download books to this at the library so I am really excited to beable to enjoy the books that are out there.

I hope that you all have a wonderful new year and keep your resolutions. I will be trying to as well. Brit

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